Endowment Committee
This committee serves as custodian of the Endowment Fund, whose purpose is to enhance the mission of the congregation, apart from the general operations of the congregation. It keeps accounting records of the Fund; manages and controls assets of the Fund; reviews requests for use of income from the Fund; and distributes income from the Fund for approved purposes.
Memorial Garden Committee
This committee’s purpose is to provide a space for memorial recognition and to provide oversight for its maintenance and support. It maintains records of all person who have purchased (or had purchased for them) memorial pavers; seeks gifts to the Memorial Garden Fund for garden maintenance; keeps records of all funds received for the Memorial Garden and their disposition; negotiates professional maintenance services; and provides publicity and fund raising for the Memorial Garden.
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
This committee has two purposes, one established by the ByLaws and one by Board policy. According to the Bylaws, the committee prepares a slate of candidates to present for election at the Annual Meeting. It recruits candidates for office and elected committees and presents this slate to the Board for approval. This committee also develops and presents opportunities for congregation members to obtain and/or enhance leadership skills. It may recruit non-elected members to assist with leadership development planning and activities.
Committee on Shared Ministry
The Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM) is concerned with the spiritual health of the entire ministry of the congregation, as a reflection of mission fulfillment. Its mandate is to assess the work of the congregation and minister/s, report on its findings, and make recommendations. The role of the CoSM is to monitor effectiveness and recommend potential improvements to the minister and staff (staff includes volunteers acting as staff).
No ministry is exempt from evaluation by, and recommendation from, the CoSM. The synergistic power of wholeness demands that attention be paid to every part. The CoSM does not evaluate the performance of people; it monitors the effectiveness of the ministry they engage in.
The CoSM seeks to promote an understanding and practice of our Church Covenant and Right Relations Policy and relies heavily upon each when supporting transformation of conflict and a return to covenant.
[COSM] also supports the Minister in the conduct of their ministry as a friendly and confidential sounding board. They observe and make appropriate recommendations to the Minister and Board of Trustees regarding the overall health of our congregation and shared ministry.
Any concerns about day-to-day operations or direction of church should first come to COSM to discuss and discern whether it's an appropriate use of the board’s energy and time.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee reports to the UUCA Board of Trustees, helping the Board fulfill its fiduciary responsibility through additional financial oversight. Functions include providing a monthly review of UUCA monthly financial reports; reviewing Board meeting minutes to see if Board decisions about budget changes have actually been incorporated into the budget; reviewing income and expenditure trends on a quarterly basis; supporting the Minister and Church Administrator in the preparation of the annual budget; providing introductory budget training for the incoming treasurer; assisting in the tally of the Sunday offering plate; and overseeing and tracking the Gift of Honor program.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is charged by the UUCA Board of Trustees with raising money to support the Church and its Mission. It's primary responsibilities are running the annual pledge drive which accounts for a large percentage of church revenue, and planning and implementing the annual service auction which brings people together in a fun and joy-full way to support the mission and programs of UUCA. The stewardship committee is responsible for lifting up the shared responsibility to be good financial stewards of this faith community.
Building and Grounds Team
The B&G Team is an extension of the Church Administrator's responsibility for the physical health of the entire UUCA campus. It provides both preventive maintenance and repairs; responds to requests for physical changes that would facilitate church functions; recruits volunteers to perform simple tasks of maintenance and improvement, including the organization of four workdays each year; and coordinates with the Memorial Garden Committee regarding maintenance.
Faith Formation Team
This committee supports the Coordinator of Family Ministry. It assists with curriculum development; recruits volunteer formation facilitators; provides teacher training; plans intergenerational outings, and plans and conducts facilitator appreciation activities.
Good Trouble Team
This team seeks to put UU values into action through promoting, organizing, and managing programs that give our members and friends opportunities to practice these principles, both within our church community and in the wider CSRA community. Its activities are organized in terms of several general concerns: Human rights, economic justice, and environmental justice (including the Green sanctuary initiative).
Membership Team
As an extension of the Membership Coordinator's responsibilities, this team’s purpose is to make newcomers feel welcomed, help new members become involved and committed, and support established members, and helps to orient new folks toward a commitment to our UUCA covenant and mission. It maintains a schedule of volunteers to: greet and welcome visitors; orient first-time visitors to the building; do follow up contact with visitors; support established members in coordination with the Pastoral Care Team; maintain supplies and coordinate staffing for the Welcome Table; Maintain supplies for the pamphlet rack in the front lobby; coordinate Pathway to Membership classes with the minister; plan new member celebrations; and post pictures of new members and bios at the Welcome Table and in the newsletter.
Worship Arts Team
This team plans and coordinates Sunday worship services and other special services. It also helps to add beauty to our physical spaces since they are a literal representation of the co-shaping of that which has worth in our communal lives. This includes the beauty created through music.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta